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Dogs of Autumn | Jada & Jett | Migration Series

Savage Journeys

Carbon Score: 8.3

Water dogs live for hunting season. There's the excitement and joy of getting a new puppy, the hard work of training it, the awe at their eagerness and drive, the trust and steadiness that comes with experience, and eventually the sadness as a dog ages. Waterfowler and dog trainer, Mike Schulenberg of Wings and Whistles shares his love of his dogs and the internal struggle hunters go through when training a new dog to learn old tricks.

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Savage Journeys

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The Gun Dogs | Hunter & Chip | Migration Series


Savage Journeys

Season 1, Episode 8

The Gun Dogs | Hunter & Chip | Migration Series

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Using Body Language to Train Your Dog

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Bird dog trainer Sharon Potter shares the "Huntsmith" way

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It's Raining Waterfowl

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Bird dog training - on a hunting trip? Why not? Here's how.

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